Thursday, August 27, 2015

Simple Math Techniques

Math is difficult? These quick and easy math techniques is perfect for you.

1. Calculate multiplications of 6,7,8,9 by using your fingers.

  • Assign numbers to every finger, the pinky being number 6 and the thumb being number 10.

  • If you wish to calculate 7x8 (pictured below), touch the assigned fingers.

  • The number of fingers below, including the touching fingers, is the tens. (Pictured below, 5 fingers = 5 tens or 50)

  • Now, multiply the remainder fingers to find the units. (in the example, 3 fingers multiplied by 2 fingers = 6)
  • Add the units to the tens, and you have the result – 56.

2. Secrets to remembering the numbers of Pi.

3. Figure out multiples of 9.

4. How to add and subtract fractions.

Butterfly Fractions
  •     Write the fractions side-by-side as usual and draw two wings along the diagonals made by the numerator of one fraction and the denominator of the other fraction and draw an antenna on each wing.
  •     As suggested by the wings, that look like a multiplication signmultiply the numbers in each wing and put the product in the antenna for the wing.
  •     Think or say: “This poor butterfly needs a body.” To give it a body, connect the bottom parts of the wings with a body-like loop and multiply the two denominators it connects, putting the product inside the body.
  •     Add or subtract the numbers in the antennae in keeping with what is being done to the fractions and put the result over the number in the body. If necessary, reduce or simplify the result. 

The butterflies below for 3/4 + 2/5 and 3/4 – 2/5 illustrate the procedure. The only difference in subtracting the fractions versus adding them is in the last step where the numbers in the antennae are subtracted instead of added.

5. How to multiply by 11.

I hope that you find these techniques helpful :) Good luck!

Sunday, August 9, 2015

[Free Printable] Simple To-Do List

I use to have a lot tasks to do, and I always struggle on deciding what I should do first. One thing that helps me is to make a to-do list. 

To-do lists are key for efficiency because you list everything that you have to do, the most important tasks at the top, and the least important tasks at the bottom.

I want to share to you the to-do list templates that I've created. The designs are very simple and neat. You can choose what you like to use, the weekly to-do list or the daily to-do list. Currently, I'm using the weekly one :) 

Note: The downloadable content across this site is property of Paper Invader and are free for personal use only. They are strictly not for commercial use.]

Click HERE to download the Weekly To-do list

Click HERE to download the Daily To-do list

Enjoy making lists!