Saturday, June 20, 2015

5 Study Tips

          Have you found yourself procrastinating when you know you should be studying? If so, you're not alone - Most students do!

          Studying needs a lot of practice in order for someone to get it right and to obtain a desired  results. I'm  going to share some tips on how to study effectively. These tips really helped me a lot. Sharing is caring :)

Tip #1  Manage your time

         You must create a schedule that will enable you to reach your goals. Use a calendar it can be a paper calendar or your phone's calendar. No matter what kind it is, make sure you have one. Make a To-do list everyday; Put the most important task at the top.

Tip #2  Pick a time and a place to study

          You know what time of day is best for you to study. Pick a time when your brain is most alert. Are you an early bird that thinks best in the morning? If that's you, wake up early and maximize your morning study time. Are you a night owl?  Then concentrate after the sun sets. Just remember that if you're a night person, you should also consider having a complete amount of sleep.

         Look for a comfortable and quiet place to study. Pick a place that is free of distractions. You should feel comfortable so that studying is more enjoyable. Just try to avoid your own bed; it's very tempting to lie down and take a nap.

Tip #3  Use acronyms to remember information 

          Acronyms are made up using the first letter of a series of several words that you want to remember. Examples: "FANBOYS" for the seven coordinating conjunctions (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So). "IPMAT" for the stages of cell division (Interphase, Prophase, Metaphase, Anaphase, Telephase). These can help you to learn more information in a short period of time.

Tip #4  Make Flash cards

          Flash cards are oldies but goodies. It's one of the best study tools you can use.  One best ways to make flash cards is to put 1 question on the front and 1 answer on the back. You can bring your flash cards anywhere and review it while waiting for the bus, waiting in the line, sitting in the toilet, eating snacks, ... etc. When you read for flash cards at least 3 times a day, you'll be surprised how quickly you mastered the topic.

Tip #5  Speak out instead of simply reading in your mind

          This tip really works for me. It sounds kinda odd, but studying out loud improves information retention. You'll be surprised how much more you can remember when you've said it out loud, but don't ever do this in a crowded library.  Read the article below: 


          The best way for a person to learn depends on the person, of course. Each of us have our own learning styles. Everyone has an extraordinary capacity to learn in many different ways, don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Good luck! <3

Monday, June 1, 2015

Kuroko's Basketball

I love to watch animes, but I'm not a die hard fan. I simply love them because they're unique and fun to watch. One of my all time favorite anime is Slam Dunk (oldie but goodie), I watched it years ago, and my favorite character is Ryota Miyagi <3

I remember during my high school days, my classmates kept on talking about an anime called "Kuroko No Basuke" (a.k.a. Kuroko's Basketball). And I heard a lot of topics about comparing it to Slam Dunk. At first, I wasn't interested because in my heart, Slam Dunk is the BEST!.

But I gave it a try, I watched the season 1 of Kuroko's Basketball, and I liked it.
I don't know why I didn't watch the season 2, maybe I became busy on my school stuffs. (highschool - college transition).

Fast forward this summer 2015 :) I become bored of being bored because being bored is boring. lol . One day, I kept on scrolling on my facebook newsfeed, and I saw a picture of Tetsuya Kuroko!

I've decided to watched Kuroko's Basketball season 2 :) I actually finished its 25 episodes in less than five days. I enjoyed it so so so so much <3. My favorite character is Daiki Aomine <3 <3

Regarding the issue about, which is better? Slam Dunk or Kuroko's Basketball. For me, no need to compare them. Even though they're both about basketball, they're completely different, and they are made in two different generations. I can't really tell which is the best. They're both entertaining and I love them.

Before watching the 3rd season,  I decided to draw the members of Generation of Miracles (Ryōta Kise, Shintarō Midorima, Daiki Aomine, Atsushi Murasakibara, Seijūrō Akashi, and Tetsuya Kuroko).

Here they are :) I hope you'll like them <3

  • Shintarō Midorima

  • Ryōta Kise

  • Daiki Aomine

  • Atsushi Murasakibara

  • Seijūrō Akashi

  • Tetsuya Kuroko

Who do you like the most? Comment down below :) #PaperInvader